Family Tree Maker For Mac Free Trial

These days, it’s so easy to create your family tree using the latest technology. The days of hand-drawn trees covered with sticky notes are over! With so many genealogy programs to choose from, how does the family historian find the right one for their needs?

  • MacFamilyTree for Mac. By Synium Software Free to try Editors' Rating. MacFamilyTree for Mac helps you research and record your family history information and turn it into charts.
  • Family Tree Maker Software for 2016. Reunion for Mac computers and iOS Smartphones is a natural choice for those searching for the best family tree maker app. Features including on-the-go viewing, searching and editing.
  • Family Tree Maker.

MacFamilyTree 9 - Genealogy for Mac. Discover and experience your personal family history, explore your origins, your ancestors, and how your family has evolved over the course of time. MacFamilyTree 9 offers you a wide range of options to capture and visualize your family history. Search the free FamilySearch archive, which contains billions.

And with websites such as Ancestry and FamilySearch already providing simple-to-use trees for their members, why would you need additional tree software? Let’s take a closer look at what genealogy software can do for your research!

Family Tree Maker For Imac

But first, here’s a quick summary of my top picks:

  • MyHeritage Family Tree Builder – a great option for free desktop software without any “free trial” limitations.
  • RootsMagic 7 – best overall desktop-based family tree software and most used by professional genealogists. Simple, easy to use, yet powerful and robust. Free and paid versions available.
  • Legacy 9.0 – an oldie but a goodie. A great option for desktop software and has the best set of reports/charts available.
  • Online Trees – good for making simple trees, attaching records, and linking DNA results. Available with free Ancestry account.
  • MacKiev Family Tree Maker – popular in the genealogy community but the most expensive of the desktop software by far. We much prefer RootsMagic for desktop software and is half the price.

Online family tree software

Online family trees do have several benefits. Genealogy websites make it easy to edit your tree, search for records, and attach them to people, all in one place. They can be accessed anywhere, from any device- when visiting Grandma or great-uncle Earl, you can quickly pull up the family tree on your phone, tablet, or laptop to share your latest discoveries.

Additionally, online trees can be invaluable when investigating DNA matches- attaching a family tree to DNA results helps you make connections with cousin matches, confirm shared ancestors, and discover new records.

However, there are some major downsides to maintaining your family information on the internet. First, while the World Wide Web is a modern miracle that gives you the world at your fingertips- you need an internet connection in order to access it. That can sometimes be tricky in certain types of repositories- for example, an old historic museum or library. Remember, not everyone provides Wi-Fi access, and even if they do, the connection can be spotty.

Believe it or not, you do not own your online tree or the data contained within it- the company hosting the website does. Although the user is allowed control of the trees they create- the ability to restrict access, edit and delete trees, for example- the data contained within ultimately belongs to that company. When you “save” a record to your tree, you are not really saving a copy of that record- you are simply linking that record to a “fact” on your tree.

If you stop subscribing to a website and you have not downloaded a copy of your tree’s records to your computer or hard drive, you will no longer have access to them.

Also, many of the records available online were digitized in partnership with local and national archives, who retain ownership of the original material. If the online company’s agreement with these archives someday changes, those records may no longer be available for users to view. Or, if the website where your tree is held decides to restrict your access, gets hacked or crashes, or the company simply goes out of business, your family tree is gone.

Clearly, there are advantages to keeping an offline version of your tree! Let’s dig a little deeper into some of the features of these programs.

Desktop family tree software

Family tree-building software is the most common type of genealogy software available. But these programs can do much more than simply create a family tree!

Family Tree Maker For Mac Free Trial

One of the major advantages to using software is that you can import or export family tree data as a GEDCOM file. A GEDCOM, or Genealogical Data Communication, is a specific file type used for exchanging tree data between different software programs ( Additionally, many online trees can be imported and exported as GEDCOM files too. This means you don’t have to start from scratch with a software program- you can simply download your online tree as a GEDCOM, and then import it into your new program- family connections intact!

Some of the many additional features you could find infamily-tree programs include:

  • User-friendly and easy to learn
  • Report-building capability- create reports, familygroup sheets and more, and add notes to individuals or families
  • Ability to add records, photographs, and even soundbites and videos, to individuals in your tree
  • Applications to help build and publish a familyhistory narrative
  • Assistance with documenting citations
  • Alerts to help you correct inconsistencies and errorsin data
  • “Clean-up” help for duplicate entries
  • Options to create printable family trees
  • Organizational tools to help you track your researchand create a “to-do” list
  • Ability to download your tree to a USB flash drive totake with you- helpful when researching in a facility with no internet access
  • Some programs can even integrate with the major onlinedatabases, making it even easier to sync tree data between online and offlineprograms. For example, when you have a record “hint” in Ancestry, you could see it reflected in your offline tree as well!

Finding a middle ground: online and offline

Family Tree Maker Free Downloads

You may still be hesitant to move your entire family history to an offline database. Good news- most experienced genealogists work BOTH online and offline! The biggest advantage to keeping trees in both places is that you have a backup, in case something should happen on one end or the other. You can always import or export your GEDCOM again to re-build your tree, providing peace of mind that your data will not be lost. Additionally, you can download and save copies of all your digital records to your offline tree. Working with both types of trees also allows you to benefit from the advantages each one provides.

When it comes to DNA research, having that online tree up-to-date and synched to your results is essential.

With offline trees, you have the ability to customize the program’s workspace to fit your research needs and organizational style.

Whichever route you decide to take, it is imperative that you create a backup not only for your tree data, but for ALL of your genealogy files.

In addition to importing and exporting your GEDCOMs to different programs, save that GEDCOM file in a separate folder on your PC, or even better, on an external hard drive. That way if your PC or device crashes, you’ll still have a copy of your data saved elsewhere. Create a reminder or alert for yourself to save an updated GEDCOM and create a new backup on a regular basis. All of that hard work is certainly worth protecting!

What to look for


Before selecting a genealogy program, make sure to do yourhomework and find the right software to suit your needs. Some of the points toconsider when comparing family tree programs include:

  • GEDCOM capability- Can the program import data fromthe website where your online tree is located?
  • What type of reporting output does the program have,and do the options mesh with your needs? This feature may be especiallyimportant to those who are working on a family narrative or book.
  • Does the program offer tutorials or a “learningcenter” for new users, or perhaps an online forum for users to connect andlearn from each other?
  • Look closely at the software version- has it beenupdated recently? If a program has not been updated in a long time, thatusually means the developer is no longer working on the product- resulting in“bugs” that will never get fixed and no new features being added. This willeventually render the program obsolete.
  • Does the product offer a “free trial” period, where youcan test it out before purchasing?

Another important point to consider is whether the software company is active in the genealogy community. Do they attend conferences or participate in other local and national genealogy events? Do they sit in on genealogy podcasts to discuss the software’s latest features, or do they write technology articles for genealogy magazines? This is an indicator that they are not just a random company- they are in tune with their customers and the industry, and are looking to innovate and meet the needs of modern-day genealogists.

When it comes to free software versus a program you pay for, be sure to carefully compare the features of each before proceeding. Do you have unlimited access to your tree, and can you work on your own time? Do you have the same customization and reporting options?

Some of the advantages of paying for a program are the fact that you own the disc and the product key- once you register your program, you can re-install on a new device if needed, and receive online support from the software maker. Plus, many genealogy software programs are very reasonably priced for the everyday user.

Other types of software

Besides family tree-making software, there are plenty of other software options to choose from, including:

  • Programs that help users craft citations
  • Programs that help analyze genealogical sources to create sound research conclusions
  • Programs that help design and print custom family trees
  • Programs that help you write a family narrative by providing a writing analysis, historical context, and even timelines
  • Programs that can help create maps to depict your important family events

There are even online apps you can download to your phone or another device to make your life easier, including time trackers, organizational tools, and citation crafters that can sync with your current word processor. There is a whole world of possibilities for every type of researcher, and new products are being created every day.

It’s easy to keep up with the latest trends in genealogy technology and find out what the professionals are using! Read genealogy magazines, follow blogs, check out video tutorials, and listen to podcasts to hear reviews of the latest products, see demonstrations, read announcements of new features and updates, and much more.

Genealogy researchers 50 years ago could never imagine all the resources we would have at our fingertips today! Technological innovations have truly changed the research field for the better. So why not take advantage, and find a software option that will grow your family tree to its greatest potential?


What does genealogy software enable you to do?

Genealogy software provides different tools for building and organizing a family tree that are both easy and intuitive to use. Online trees such as FamilySearch and Ancestry are great tools, but there are things you can’t do that you can do in desktop software. Most family tree building software allows you to build and manage your tree, whether you are online or offline. You can tailor your workspace to meet your organization’s style and research needs. The majority of desktop software includes printing capabilities. This is a benefit not found in customizable options with online tree-building websites like Ancestry or FamilySearch.

What genealogy software works with

There are several software programs that work with Ancestry, including RootsMagic, Legacy, Family Tree Maker, and Ancestral Quest.

Do I need family tree software if I use offers tree building entirely online without users needing downloadable software. You can create, build and edit your family tree online without having to download any external software. All downloadable family tree software is optional and unnecessary for any more extensive online tree-building website (MyHeritage, FamilySearch, etc.).

What is the best free genealogy program?

MyHeritage Family Tree Builder is the best option for free desktop software. MyHeritage Family Tree builder is available on Windows and Mac. This software allows for optimal ease of use, photo management, and online tree publishing and searching. This software will enable you to sync your offline tree with your online account. Free versions of RootsMagic are also available.

What programs can open a GEDCOM file?

Most desktop family tree software allows users to upload a GEDCOM file, so one does not have to build their tree from scratch. RootsMagic, Family Tree Builder, MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, and MacKiev Family Tree Maker offer GEDCOM uploads. Editing a family tree in desktop software is much easier than in most online trees. Many professionals use desktop software to clean up client trees before uploading them back online.

Does Microsoft have genealogy software?

Microsoft Windows offers a genealogy application called My Family Tree. Published by Chronoplex Software, this software provides a platform for creating trees, uploading GEDCOMs, photos, stories, and basic life facts. This isn’t the most popular choice for professionals or hobbyists, but it is among the options for free desktop software. It is not available for Mac.

What software is compatible with Windows 10?

Most genealogy software programs are compatible with Microsoft Windows, including Roots Magic 7, MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, Legacy 9.0, MacKiev Family Tree Maker, and Ancestry’s Family Tree Maker. iFamily is Mac-operated genealogy software that is one non-Windows compatible genealogy software. Make sure that the software is compatible with your version of Windows before buying.

What software is compatible with Mac?


Mac users can use RootsMagic7, MyHeritage Family Tree Builder, Legacy 9.0, MacKiev Family Tree Maker, and Ancestry’s Family Tree Maker. My Family Tree, a product made by Microsoft and Chronoplex Software, is the only software not supported by Mac operating systems. Make sure that the software is compatible with your Mac before buying.

Computers and mobile phones now make it easy for people to understand their lineage. If knowing where you came from will make you feel proud of yourself, you are you might find these solutions quite useful. Usually, the purpose of these software solutions is to help you understand your origin, and by origin, I mean what number you are in your family. Majority of these apps are free, and they are easy to use too.


Family Tree Maker

Family Tree Maker is all about discovering your stories and preserving those moments. The more you use this app the more you discover interesting information and facts about your family line and more about you as a person. FTM is an easy-to-use package with a 14-day trial. Download the software today and start discovering your family’s story.

Roots Magic

You can never know history as a whole, but, at least, what you already know can help you trace a couple of things about your people. This is what Roots Magic is all about; it helps you understand your history from a personal point of view, giving you a clear picture of you as an individual.

Family Echo

This is a great app. You will notice that it does not need you to download the software. Instead, you create the entire family tree on the internet. The best thing about this system is that it is easy to use and you can get your family tree completed in minutes.

Visual Family Tree Maker

This is the best software because it is easy to use, it returns the best results and it can help you trace your history within minutes. You can turn your results into HTML or PHP web pages. The software can help you build accurate data for the entire family in your lineage.

Family Tree Maker Software for Other Platforms

The software solutions above are some of the best because they do what they promise, but if you are looking for additional suggestions, you might find the ones highlighted below quite helpful. Also, many of these are easy to use, and what’s even more interesting is that they are free.

Family Tree Maker Software for iOS

Start a family tree with Heredis for iOS. Heredis is a perfect iOS Software that can help you trace your ancestors easily. You can add and remove people as you like in your attempt to discover more about yourself and the people you have a relationship with. You can download and install this app for free.


Family Tree Maker Software for Android

Ancestry is the most popular Android App for Family Tree. The purpose of this app is to help you discover photos and useful records about your ancestors. In fact, the software makes it possible to access millions of records on the go. Ancestry is a free app that you can download from Google Play Store.
Links Redirection

Family Tree Maker Software for 2016

Reunion for Mac computers and iOS Smartphones is a natural choice for those searching for the best family tree maker app. Features including on-the-go viewing, searching and editing. You can even use this software to create a link between your smartphone and your Mac computer.

What is Family Tree Maker Software?

Many people want to know whether they came from. The question usually is how we got here! It is interesting that many people always want to know a lot about themselves although quite a large group always look up to their parents for information. Some people do not research who they are at all because they believe that they know their parents are their source.

Apparently, if you are the kind of person who is so much interested in understanding the genealogy of your family line, you will find the Family Tree Maker software useful. That is the reason why developers created these applications.

How to install Family Tree Maker Software

Notice that there are many genealogy apps for different platforms, and this rules out the idea that there is a one-size-fits-all instruction manual. For example, if you intend to install an Android App, you will have to download it from Google Play Store. If you are looking for a desktop application, you’d have to download the executable file first and then follow the installation instructions provided.

Benefits of Family Tree Maker Software

Majority of the software solutions are free. For example, Ancestry is one of the most popular Android App that you can download for free. You use the app without paying a dime, and, to be honest, it delivers the best results. Although a number of software solutions are on sale, the cost won’ prick holes in your pocket. Besides, it is only a one-time purchase and you will never have to buy the software again.

Many of these apps have been reported to have bugs, though. However, it looks like developers took these concerns and fixed a couple of these errors. We hope that the future versions will be better so that you enjoy using the family tree software.

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